About Deep Waters

When I began Deep Waters, it represented a personal journal for me. Then titled Sojourner of Truth, I shared stories and lessons from various aspects of my life - parenting, adoption, ministry, my family's relocations. I've been an open book, hoping that my transparency might make someone else's journey easier, their load a bit lighter.

Today this blog, christened Deep Waters back in 2012, represents yet another transformation. Most weeks I will share my heart about issues taking place around us every day. As I watch the news, check Twitter trends and engage with those conversing around me, I feel compelled to share personal insights in light of God's Word and His heart.

Over the past few years, the issue of RACE has headlined more often than I think most of us would like. Whether it's the controversy surrounding another unarmed African American man being killed or the #Blacklivesmatter movement or the tearing down of Civil War memorials or white supremacists marching hand-in-hand in city streets across America, the topic of race continually bubbles to the top of our news and social media feeds.

With all this talk on race brewing around me, I've decided to create a convergence of two seemingly separate issues here - RACE and ADOPTION. I have written extensively on both topics, but now I hope to share a unique intersection of the two. As an adoptive mom of color and someone that works in the adoption and foster care ministry space, I constantly discuss both issues and often in the same conversations. I have many adoptive parent friends that I hope will find these posts intriguing, especially those that have adopted children of different races.

I hope YOU find these posts inviting and intriguing and as well... :)

So join me here each week for a dive into Deep Waters. Jump on in. The water is great.



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