I've got extremely exciting news! For the month of July I am linking arms (through cyberspace) with a group of girlfriends to blog for the entire month of July. We have each committed to blog every day of the month on our respective themes. My theme is "Purpose". So many things have led me to this theme for July -- but more about that throughout the month. Please join me each day in July to hear what God is saying to and through me about Purpose. And join my blogger-sisters each day as well. You may not know them personally, but I'm sure their blogs will hold many treasures for you as well. Here's a list of their respective July themes and blogsites: Monique Zackery (our visionary) - 31 Days of Victory: www.moniquezackery.blogspot.com Michelle Discavage - 31 Days of Wellness: Mind, Body & Spirit: www.chelled.blogspot.com Sheryl Griffin - 31 Days of Hope: www.sherylgriffin.blogspot.com Jennifer Lain - 31 Days of Freedom: www.parentpassion.com Beckah S...
Showing posts from June, 2011