9/11 We Must Never Forget

Last year, on September 11th, I published a reminder for us to never forget the nearly 3000 people that lost their lives on September 11, 2001. I remember that day like it was yesterday...

Do you remember where you were on that day?

Well, if you can remember that day, then obviously you were not counted in the number that died that fateful day.

You are here for a purpose.

Do you know what that purpose is?

I believe we all have a special assignment from God that we were created for. I believe we all have gifts and talents and influence that God wants to use to impact the world.

But I also believe that we all have a general calling in life. It may take on different forms and utilize different methods. I believe this calling can be found in the Bible:

He has shown you, O man, what is good.
And what does the LORD require of you?
To act justly and to love mercy 
and to walk humbly with your God.* 

No matter where we live, where we work, who we are, God wants us to be just (fair, right, true) and to love mercy (kindness, compassion, empathy) and to walk humbly with Him.

Have you given your life to works of justice?

Do you extend mercy towards others?

Are you walking with God -- loving Him, spending time with Him? Do you live humbly -- with the constant reminder that He is God, and you are not?

God's calling is simple, yet so profound. Easy, yet so difficult.

Are you changing the world for the better? We owe it to those who lost their lives on 9/11 to make our country -- the world -- a better place. 

We owe it to the One who gave His life so that we might live a life worth living.



* Micah 6:8


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